Jeff Home Improvements is an Indiana company founded in Jeffersonville, IN.
They have been in business for over 10 years.
Their company was administratively dissolved with the State of Indiana in 2008, which means they don’t file reports for their company are not no longer recognized by the state as an official company.
They are a very small company founded by the owner Jeffrey Gary.
There are a lot of companies like this in the remodeling industry. Founded by an individual who has lots of experience in the industry and can manage to keep at least a few good laborers on staff at any given time.
Jeff Home Improvements is not necessarily a great marketing or sales company, which is not a bad thing by any means, it is just a reflection of the ownership’s inability to retain leadership in their company to help them make progress and grow, either due to inability or a lack of desire.
Jeff Home Improvements doesn’t have the best reviews online, but they aren’t horrific.
In a head to head competition regarding our gutter guards vs theirs, Jeff Home Improvements does not have access to products that will match ours in quality.
In a head to head competition regarding seamless gutters, the quality of the material will be equal, but our company focuses more on quality workmanship than they do, based on reviews. Their retail price for gutters is similar to ours.
In a head to head competition regarding fascia, soffit, or metal wrap work, our installers are much more proficient with these products and choosing us will result in a higher level of satisfaction. Their retail price for fascia, soffit, and metal wrap work is similar to ours.